Student Services
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Cumberland County Schools Student Services
Our Mission: Student Services is committed to supporting the instructional process by identifying and eliminating barriers to learning, advocating for the needs of the whole child, and empowering all students to become lifelong learners in the 21st century.
School Counselor: Margaret Wheeler –Email Margaret Wheeler
Available: Monday – Friday
Professional school counselors are certified/licensed educators with a minimum of a Master’s degree in school counseling making them uniquely qualified to address students’ cognitive, socio-emotional and career development needs by implementing a comprehensive school counseling program. They also provide consultation, individual and group counseling, academic advisement. In addition, they provide prevention, crisis intervention, and conflict resolution.
School Social Worker: Ebony Brown – Email Ebony Brown
Available: Monday – Friday
School Social Workers are trained mental health professionals with a Bachelors or Master’s degree in social work. They are the link between the home, school and community. School social workers provide direct as well as indirect services to students, families and school personnel such as monitoring school attendance, promoting dropout prevention, consultation, information and referral, identification of at-risk students, and counseling. In addition, they provide prevention, crisis intervention, and conflict resolution.
School Psychologist: Jessica Kruppa – Email Jessica Kruppa
Available: Monday
School psychologists are highly trained in both psychology and education, completing a minimum of a specialist-level degree program. they provide assessment and testing of students for special services. Consultation for teachers. Counseling for students. In addition, they provide prevention, crisis intervention, conflict resolution, and program modification for special learning and/or behavioral needs.
School Nurse: Lisa Lucas – Email Lisa Lucas
Available: Monday
School nursing is a specialized practice of professional nursing that advances the well-being, academic success and life-long achievement and health of students. School nurses facilitate health services such as immunizations, communicable disease control, vision and hearing screening and follow-up, health assessments and referrals, and health counseling and information for students and families. School nurses actively collaborate with school personnel, students and parents to create health plans and to administer medication.
Natasha Moore,MFLC (Military Family Life Counselor):
Military Family Life Counselors (MFLCs) are licensed mental health professionals with a minimum of a master’s degree specializing in child and youth behavioral challenges. MFLs work at the school full-time to provide a wide range of support to military children. During the Coronavirus disease pandemic, they now offer telephone and video non-medical counseling with parental supervision. MFLCs provide individual and group sessions to improve social skills, emotion regulation, deployment related stress, school transitions, and more. MFLCs are available to provide virtual classroom support to students, and guidance to families, staff and support personnel with health and wellness presentations.
Email Natasha Moore
Phone Number: 910-391-8184
Community Resource:
Dial 2-1-1
School Exceptional Children Case Teacher
Marcellina Hardee – Email Marcellina Hardee
The EC Case Teacher can address concerns for students eligible for special education services. They can verify service implementation and communicate with the student’s team to meet their academic and functional needs. In addition, she can coordinate Child Find. This is a coordinated effort between the Student Services Team and the Exceptional Children Services to locate and identify children and youth suspected of or diagnosed with a disability who might have intellectual, physical, or emotional disabilities and are unable to benefit from the regular school program without special assistance.