Student Support Services
2465 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, N.C. 28348
Phone: 910-678-2423
Fax: 910-678-2493
Dr. Melody Chalmers McClain
Associate Superintendent
Samantha Sheppard
Administrative Assistant
An educated citizenry stands as a fundamental pillar of effective governance within our nation, and its realization hinges on the presence of well-functioning public schools that offer a high-caliber education accessible to all students. The purpose of this Student Code of Conduct is to articulate, in unequivocal terms, the standards governing students' acceptable behavior.
The overarching objective of student discipline is not punitive in nature, but rather to uphold the integrity of safe and nurturing school environments. It aims to educate students on how to conduct themselves in a manner that fosters academic excellence and overall school success. Furthermore, it strives to cultivate a school milieu characterized by exceptional qualities, where both students and staff exemplify responsibility and respect.
In this context, school disciplinary measures are to be viewed as instruments employed to create an outstanding environment, wherein teaching and learning can flourish free from disruptions and impediments that hinder the educational process.
For discipline recommendations, files, and suspension information:
Primary Contact: School Principal
District Discipline Clerk: Davina Adkins
Hearing Officer: Dr. George Ellis
(Please note, that Dr. Ellis works part-time, so there may be at least a 72-hour response period. Thank you for your patience.)